The STU Full Time Collective Agreement: An Overview

The STU Full Time Collective Agreement is an essential document that outlines the terms and conditions under which full-time faculty members at St. Thomas University (STU) are employed. The agreement is negotiated between the St. Thomas University Faculty Association (STUFA) and the university`s administration, with the goal of ensuring fair working conditions and compensation for faculty members.

In this article, we will provide an overview of the main features of the STU Full Time Collective Agreement, highlighting its significance and benefits for both the faculty and the university.

Key Provisions of the STU Full Time Collective Agreement

The STU Full Time Collective Agreement covers a wide range of issues related to the employment of full-time faculty members at St. Thomas University, including:

1. Salary and Benefits: The agreement provides for a competitive salary and benefits package for faculty members, including a defined benefit pension plan, medical and dental insurance, and paid leaves of absence.

2. Job Security: The agreement includes provisions for job security, including tenure, promotion, and post-tenure review. It also guarantees academic freedom to faculty members, ensuring that they can pursue their research and teaching interests without fear of retribution.

3. Workload: The agreement sets out clear expectations for workload, including teaching, research, and service obligations. It also provides for workload adjustments for faculty members with disabilities or caregiving responsibilities.

4. Grievance and Arbitration: The agreement provides for a grievance and arbitration process, allowing faculty members to seek resolution of workplace disputes through a fair and impartial process.

What are the Benefits of the STU Full Time Collective Agreement?

The STU Full Time Collective Agreement provides a number of significant benefits for both the faculty and the university. For faculty members, it offers job security, competitive compensation and benefits, and clear expectations for workload and performance. It also protects academic freedom and provides a mechanism for resolving workplace disputes.

For the university, the agreement helps to attract and retain top-quality faculty members, who are essential for providing high-quality education and research. It also helps to ensure that there is a stable and productive work environment, which benefits both faculty and students.


The STU Full Time Collective Agreement is an essential document that provides a framework for fair and equitable working conditions for full-time faculty members at St. Thomas University. Its provisions for salary and benefits, job security, workload, and grievance and arbitration help to ensure that faculty members can perform their roles effectively and that the university can provide high-quality education and research. As such, it is an important document that should be carefully reviewed and updated on a regular basis to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.

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