As a copyeditor with expertise in SEO, I understand the importance of creating content that is both informative and optimized for search engines. In this article, we will be discussing Section 106 agreement enquiries, which are an essential aspect of the planning process in the UK.

What is a Section 106 Agreement?

A Section 106 agreement (S106) is a legally binding agreement between a developer and a local authority in the UK. It forms part of the planning process and is used to mitigate the impact of a new development on the local community. An S106 agreement can cover a wide range of issues, including affordable housing provision, infrastructure improvements, and the protection of local wildlife.

What are Section 106 Agreement Enquiries?

Section 106 agreement enquiries are typically made by solicitors or conveyancers acting on behalf of a buyer or seller of a property. These enquiries seek to establish whether any S106 agreements exist that affect the property in question. The enquiries will ask for details of any obligations that have been put in place, such as payments that may be required or restrictions on the use of the property.

Why are Section 106 Agreement Enquiries Important?

Section 106 agreement enquiries are crucial to ensuring that all parties involved in a property transaction are aware of any obligations that may exist. Failure to identify and properly deal with S106 agreements can lead to delays in the completion process, or even legal disputes down the line. Enquiries are typically submitted as part of the conveyancing process, and it is the responsibility of the seller to provide accurate information.

How to Submit Section 106 Agreement Enquiries

Section 106 agreement enquiries are usually submitted by solicitors or conveyancers acting on behalf of their clients. The enquiries are typically sent to the local authority responsible for the area in which the property is located. The local authority will then provide a response detailing any S106 agreements that may exist.


In conclusion, Section 106 agreement enquiries are an essential part of the property transaction process in the UK. They are used to establish whether any obligations exist that may affect the use or value of a property. Enquiries are typically submitted by solicitors or conveyancers and must be answered accurately by the seller. As a professional, I recommend that property professionals familiarize themselves with the S106 process to avoid any delays or complications in property transactions.

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